ORCAE (Online Resource for Community Annotation of Eukaryotes) is a public genome annotation curation resource. ORCAE-AOCC is a branch that is dedicated to the genomes published as part of the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC). The motivation behind the development of the ORCAE platform was to create a knowledge-based website where the research-community can make contributions to improve genome annotations. All changes to any given gene-model or gene description are stored, and the entire annotation history can be retrieved. Genomes can either be set to “public” or “restricted” mode; anonymous users can browse public genomes but cannot make any changes. Aside from providing a user- friendly interface to view genome annotations, the platform also includes tools and information (such as gene expression evidence) that enables authorized users to edit and validate genome annotations. The ORCAE-AOCC platform will enable various stakeholders from around the world to coordinate their efforts to annotate and study underutilized crops.
2019 Journal article Download
Yssel, A.E.J.; Kao, S.-M.; Van de Peer, Y.; Sterck, L.
ORCAE-AOCC: A Centralized Portal for the Annotation of African Orphan Crop Genomes
Yssel, A.E.J.; Kao, S.-M.; Van de Peer, Y.; Sterck, L. ORCAE-AOCC: A Centralized Portal for the Annotation of African Orphan Crop Genomes. Genes 2019, 10, 950.