Below is a list of some databases that link to AOCC’s work:
The potential natural vegetation map of eastern and southern Africa
This map covers the seven countries of Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. It is available in different formats and is accompanied by extensive documentation of the floristic, physiognomic and other characteristics of the different vegetation types in each country. It is useful for working out which orphan crops might grow well in particular locations, especially for the perennial species on the AOCC crop list.
The Agroforest Species Switchboard
The Switchboard is a platform that synthesizes information from a wide range of different sources on plant species. Although designed primarily for finding out about perennial plants, it also links to significant information on annual plants. It provides access to a wealth of information for the species on the AOCC crop list.
The Agroforestree Database
The Agroforestree Database is a species reference and selection guide for agroforestry trees. It provides information on management, use and ecology of these species. Many of the perennial species on the AOCC crop list can be found in the database.
USDA nutrition database
This database provides nutrient information for food items, food groups and manufacturers’ products. Many of the species on the AOCC crop list are included.
All the genomes published by AOCC can be accessed at the ORCAE database using the following links.
- Faidherbia albida
- Lablab purpureus
- Moringa oleifera (BGI version)
- Moringa oleifera (UGent version)
- Sclerocarya birrea
- Vigna subterranea
- Artocrpus heterophyllus
- Artocarpus altilis
They can also be accessed at the Chinese National Genebank database.