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Founder members

NEPADNew Partnership for Africa’s Development(NEPAD)
Administration and Development for the AOCC
WWF-logoWorld Wildlife Fund (WFF)

These international organization help to endorse AOCC’s recommendations and helps to raise support and translation at country and international level.

Mars Inc.Mars Inc.

Over $2M for the African Plant Breeding Academy scholarships for Breeding programs and support for AOCC lab personnel.

UCDavisUniversity of California, Davis (UCD)

To generate reference genome sequence of AOCC species

World Agroforestry Centre logoWorld Agroforestry Cetre(ICRAF)
A Founding member.Has the role to incorporate AOCC species into its agro-forestry delivery vehicles such as portfolio of fruit crops and popularize them at local level and re-sequence 100 accessions each from the 101 species.


Role in science, technology and capacity building

BGIBeijing Genomics Institute

To generate reference genome sequence of AOCC species

UCDavisUniversity of California, Davis (UCD)

Technical advice and formulation of strategy and manage African plant breeding academy (AfPBA).

ARC South AfricaAgricultural Research Council, South Africa

Transcriptome sequencing of 50 AOCC species

Big N2NN2N (VIB, University of gent)

Data analysis, genome annotation

World Agroforestry Centre logoWorld Agroforestry Cetre(ICRAF)

To re-sequence 100 accessions each from the 101 species

iPlant collaborativeCyVerse (former iPlant)

Data analysis, SNP discovery, SNP database


Training and capacity building



Role in advocacy, management and technology propagation

NEPADNew Partnership for Africa’s Development(NEPAD)

This international organization helps to endorse AOCC’s recommendations and helps to raise support and translation at country and international level.

WWF-logoWomen’s Foodservice Forum(WFF)

This international organization helps to endorse AOCC’s recommendations and helps to raise support and translation at country and international level.

Mars Inc.Mars Inc.

Uses various global platforms to propagate the idea of AOCC, gather popular support and menrtos AOCC

UNICEFUnited Nations Children’s Emergency Fund(UNICEF)

This international organization helps to endorse AOCC’s recommendations and helps to raise support and translation at country and international level.

World Agroforestry Centre logoWorld Agroforestry Cetre(ICRAF)

incorporate AOCC species into its agro-forestry delivery vehicles such as portfolio of fruit crops and popularize them at local level

FAOFood and Agriculture Organization(FAO)

This international organization helps to endorse AOCC’s recommendations and helps to raise support and translation at country and international level.



Resource mobilization

Mars Inc.Mars Inc.

Funding support to AOCC

UCDavisUniversity of California, Davis (UCD)

writing grant proposals and generate funds for AOCC

World Agroforestry Centre logo

World Agroforestry Cetre(ICRAF)

lab, staff and infrastructure support, writing proposals and generate funds for AOCC

AGRAAlliance for a Green Revolution in Africa(AGRA)

funding to AfPBA



Instrumentation and reagent support


International Livestock Research Institute(ILRI)

Greater Food Initiative grant to support transcriptome sequencing of 50 AOCC species.

LGC Group

Laboratory of the Government Chemist(LGC)

Training to participants of AfPBA and special arrangements for SNP genotyping for AOCC species.

thermofische100_100Thermo Fisher Scientific

Provided NGS line of instrumentation (Ion Protons and Ion Chefs) and partial support for re-sequencing.